
Condition Description (Time of Onset, Main Symptoms, Changes in Symptoms, etc.): Can allergic purpura be treated?


Hello, according to the description, allergic purpura is caused by blood stasis due to blood not circulating properly, leading to damage to the blood vessels and a deficiency of blood due to prolonged illness.Suggestion: It is recommended to seek a professional diagnosis at a specialized hospital and to use a traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis method that includes clearing heat and detoxifying, nourishing yin and strengthening the spleen, to achieve a thorough cure. For those with simple symptoms, compounds like rutosides, calcium supplements, vitamin C, and antihistamines can be used. For those with fever and joint inflammation, corticosteroids can be used, but they cannot prevent kidney involvement. For those with chronic renal failure who are resistant to treatment, immunosuppressive agents may be added. The above information is for reference only; specific treatment plans should be followed as prescribed by a doctor.