
Disease Description (time of onset, main symptoms, changes in symptoms, etc.): The doctor said it is hemolytic jaundice. Is this hemolytic jaundice severe?


The treatment for hemolytic jaundice primarily involves addressing the underlying hemolytic disease: eliminating the cause (such as curing malaria to correct the destruction of red blood cells caused by malaria), removing triggers (such as G-6-PD deficiency patients should avoid eating broad beans and using drugs with oxidizing properties), and symptomatic treatment (such as using adrenal cortex hormones and plasma exchange for autoimmune hemolytic anemia, and performing splenectomy for patients with hereditary spherocytosis, certain types of thalassemia, and those with ineffective drug treatment of autoimmune hemolytic disease). Secondly, it includes symptomatic jaundice treatment, commonly using herbs like Yinzhu Huang and Simaitai, but it must be emphasized that if the hemolysis is not resolved, jaundice clearance is difficult and the effect is temporary.