My baby is 4 years old and sometimes stutters and repeats words, with severe speech blockages. How should I handle this situation? What kind of examinations or treatments are needed?
Firstly, closely monitor the development of your child’s stuttering. After a period of time (about a year), consider taking your child to a professional hospital for stuttering correction treatment. Studies show that early intervention during the preschool stage usually leads to good improvement. Generally, stuttering in preschool children does not significantly affect their mental health and personality development. Additionally, boys are more likely to stutter than girls, but they also have a higher recovery rate. If the stuttering issue does not ease and instead becomes more severe, such as experiencing speech difficulties in crowded situations, avoiding interaction with other children, or accompanying tense physical movements while speaking, it is time to take notice. If the child’s stuttering problem has not improved by the time they prepare for primary school, it is advisable to take them to a professional hospital for treatment.