
A parent inquired about their child’s severe night sweating, suspecting a calcium deficiency after a check-up. They were advised to purchase Longgu Muxie Granules but were unable to find this medication online. The parent wants to understand how to solve the sweating problem and how their child should supplement calcium.


When selecting a calcium supplement, consider the following criteria:

  • Calcium Content: Different calcium supplements have varying calcium concentrations, such as calcium carbonate containing 40% calcium and calcium acetate containing 22.2%. Higher calcium content in supplements can reduce the amount needed.
  • Solubility: Solubility is the foundation for absorption, and different calcium preparations have different solubilities in water, such as levocitrulline calcium having high solubility in 25℃ water. To enhance solubility, some calcium supplements are made into ultra-fine powders for quick disintegration and increased absorption.