
My baby is now nine months old and has been taking solid foods since she was five months old, including fruits, congee, and formula milk. The fruits are mainly apple puree. Since she was six months old, her stomach often has hard lumps after eating congee and other solid foods, occasionally accompanied by vomiting and sour belching. She has a bowel movement once a day. She has seen a doctor, who diagnosed her with dyspepsia, and the symptoms were somewhat relieved after taking medication. However, the symptoms recurred after stopping the medication. I would like to ask if there could be other diseases and how to get further assistance.


  1. If a hard lump is found in the middle of the upper abdomen of the baby and the child shows no discomfort, it may be a regional fibroma or lipoma. If the hard lump is inside the abdominal cavity, it may be a space-occupying lesion. It is recommended to undergo an abdominal ultrasound examination to determine the cause.
  2. If the hard lump is located in the middle of the left side of the abdomen, it may be fecal accumulation in the sigmoid colon of the large intestine, related to constipation. A hard lump in the middle of the right side usually has nothing to do with constipation. It is recommended to go to the hospital for examination and necessary related examinations to determine the cause.