
The one-year-old baby has recently started experiencing diarrhea every other day. How should it be handled?


When the baby has diarrhea, it is important to avoid giving them too much milk. If breast milk is insufficient, you can add diluted milk (one part water to one part milk), but do not increase the milk quantity too quickly. To reduce the gastrointestinal burden, give them a moderate amount of oral rehydration solution, vitamin C, and the enzyme preparation and Tofacil that have already been taken to help restore digestive function. Different types of diarrhea require different vitamins, such as berberine, rifaximin, and polymyxin B. If the diarrhea is caused by a virus, parents should not give symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication. If the general treatment does not improve the baby’s stool, and there are more than ten episodes of diarrhea, it is advisable to bring the baby to the hospital for treatment. You can give Danibao Baby probiotic powder to improve intestinal function and enhance the baby’s own gastrointestinal function.