
My three-month-old baby starts crying before napping during the day. Previously, they would fall asleep after a bit of comforting, but now they cry for a long time before they are willing to sleep. It’s the same at night. We have taken fish oil for a month. I seek help: What methods can be used to solve my baby’s fussiness during sleep? They are not stable when they are sleeping, always scared, and wake up as soon as they close their eyes. We always put them to sleep on their side.


“Fussing” refers to a child crying before going to sleep, and once picked up and patted or rocked, they quickly fall asleep. This situation often frustrates parents and even leads to temper outbursts towards the child. However, the habit of fussiness is often developed by adults. A baby’s brain development is not yet complete, and they spend most of their time sleeping, about 18-22 hours a day. After being awake for a short time, they feel tired and express their desire to sleep by crying. As long as the environment is quiet and comfortable, the baby will naturally fall asleep. Many parents are afraid of their child’s crying and pick them up as soon as they start to cry. In fact, crying is the newborn’s instinctive demand.