
A 3-month-old baby is experiencing diarrhea, with about 6 episodes of foamy stools per day. There are no other symptoms, and the baby’s mood, sleep, and breastfeeding are all good. What could be the cause of the diarrhea? How should it be treated?


The treatment of diarrhea should follow these suggestions:

  1. Feed the baby at regular intervals and in fixed amounts, and add complementary foods at the appropriate stages. Avoid adding starch or fat-rich foods too early or in excessive amounts, and do not suddenly change the type of complementary foods. Apple juice and carrot water can be given to help absorb excessive intestinal moisture.
  2. Transitioning to a new formula should be done gradually, avoiding haste. The transition to a new formula usually takes about two weeks, starting with the middle meal of the day. Then, increase the number of transition meals every few days until completely switched to the new formula. Since each baby’s constitution is different, the transition steps can also vary from person to person, and adjustments can be made accordingly.
  3. Pay attention to weather changes and adjust clothing accordingly, ensuring the baby’s abdomen stays warm. After each bowel movement, clean the baby’s perianal area with warm water, change diapers frequently, handle stool promptly, and wash hands with disinfectant to prevent repeated infections. At the same time, strengthen physical exercise to prevent diseases such as colds, pneumonia, and otitis media.