
My five-month-old baby has been mainly breastfed since birth and has not taken any cooling or detoxifying medicines. Now, they are showing symptoms of moist heat. How should I treat them? Are there any medications with fewer side effects that you can recommend?


Symptoms such as nosebleeds, yellow urine, and constipation may indicate an excess of internal heat. It is recommended that daily diet should be light and easy to digest, with plenty of fruits and vegetables, and avoid spicy and fried foods that are stimulating. Consider giving your child some honeysuckle and lotus leaf infusion. Currently, it is not advisable to use medication for treatment. Excessive dampness in the body can lead to fatigue, feeling heavy, lack of appetite, cold hands and feet, skin rashes, and greasy face, and may even cause gastroenteritis. Refrain from eating too much of cold foods, ice cream, and cold vegetables and fruits that may affect digestion, such as raw lettuce, salads, watermelons, bok choy, and bitter melon. When cooking, you can add onions and ginger to reduce their coldness.