
My baby has had a fever for three days, with temperatures around 38.5 degrees Celsius, and no other symptoms, just the fever. After the doctor examined her, they prescribed medication, but it didn’t have any effect. I gave her some children’s Tylenol, and the fever went down, but she got feverish again at night and it hasn’t gone away. I want to ask if she needs to be given an intravenous drip. I don’t want to have my child receive an intravenous drip. Is it good for the child to have such a high fever for a long time? When might she start to improve?


Pay attention to the child’s mental state. If the child is febrile but in good spirits, continues to play after taking medication to reduce the fever, and behaves as usual, it indicates that the condition is not severe, and she can rest and recover at home. If the child appears listless, tired, and unresponsive, it suggests a serious condition and immediate medical attention is required. Observe the child’s complexion. If the child has a normal or flushed complexion, you can safely care for her at home. However, if her skin appears pale, yellowish, bluish, or purplish, and her eyes look dull, it indicates a serious condition and immediate medical attention is required.