
Babies often choke while drinking or eating. What methods can be used to avoid this?


  1. Adjust Feeding Position It is recommended to hold the baby upright during feeding, with the baby’s body at a 45-degree angle. When breastfeeding, the baby’s head should be slightly higher than the body to reduce the risk of spitting up. When giving formula, avoid having the baby lie down while drinking; sitting or standing is better. If lying down is necessary, do not immediately place the baby on their back after feeding; instead, let them lie on their side for a while before turning to a supine position.
  2. Choose the Right Nipple Hole Size For babies using bottles, attention should be paid to the size of the nipple. A too small nipple may cause the baby to inhale air; a too large one can easily cause choking during feeding and severe coughing, both of which may lead to spitting up.