
What should I do about my child’s constant coughing? Symptom Description: My child started coughing a bit dryly at the end of June. Every morning when she wakes up, she coughs a few times, not too severe. There are no symptoms during the day, and she is fine at night when she sleeps. Historical Treatment and Outcome: On June 23, I took her to see a doctor at Jianyu, where she tested positive for Mycoplasma pneumoniae. We then received a 5-day course of azithromycin with a 3-day break, followed by another 5 days of intravenous drip. After that, she took azithromycin for 5 days with a 3-day break again. The doctor said she was better, but she still coughs a bit every morning, not too severe. Now, I basically give her medicine every day. She takes syrup, antibiotics, and cold medicine. Help Wanted: My daughter is 5 years old, and I don’t know what to do.


Turmeric Milk

Turmeric is known for its treatment of viral infections, such as those causing colds and coughs in children. You can add turmeric powder to a cup of hot milk and give it to your child every night. It not only relieves your child’s throat pain and nasal congestion symptoms immediately but also provides your child with rich calcium ions.

Vinegar Fried Eggs

Vinegar fried eggs are effective in treating various coughs. Take one egg and beat it in a bowl, add half a spoonful of vinegar to the pan, and fry the egg over low heat until it’s cooked. Add a little sugar when it’s cool and eat it. Eat one in the morning and one in the evening each day. Generally, two doses can stop the cough, and for more severe cases, three days can cure it.

Black Soybean Water

Black soybeans are miraculous in treating coughs caused by colds. Simply boil black soybeans with water in an electric cooker, drink the liquid, and you can stop the coughing.