
What should I do at home now that my child has a high fever? Disease Description: My 8-month-old child has been running a fever since yesterday. We went to the hospital today and received intravenous therapy. The doctor said it’s herpangina. When we came back, the fever started low, accompanied by diarrhea. By the afternoon, the temperature rose to 38.9 degrees Celsius, and the throat was also hoarse. We had diarrhea four times today. I’m so worried; the fever fluctuates between low and high. The child is quite listless and keeps sleeping. How can I handle the hot head and cold feet? What should I do at home now? How can I lower the fever? Please help! Previous Treatment and Effects: We received intravenous therapy this morning, and the doctor said to continue for three days. What kind of help do I need: What should I do at home now?


Enhance nutrition, maintain a balanced diet, and drink plenty of water. Engage in more outdoor activities, and pay attention to temperature protection. Hello! Since the child’s constitution is weak, we need to strengthen their care. Please add or remove clothing and bedding in response to weather changes. Wipe sweat promptly when it appears. As the child grows older, educate them not to engage in excessive physical activity.