
Description of Condition: My baby is five months old and has had tears since birth. A lacrimal duct probing surgery was performed on August 12, but tears and eye boogers are still present. Does this mean the surgery was not successful? Previous Treatment and Effects: A lacrimal duct probing surgery was performed on August 12, but tears and eye boogers are still present. Seeking Help: Will there still be tears and eye boogers after the lacrimal duct ligation? What needs to be done to make these symptoms disappear?


There’s no cause for alarm; you can observe for a while longer. My son also had a problem with nasal duct blockage when he was little, and it gradually improved when he was around five or six months old. Since your baby’s lacrimal duct has been ligated, you can still observe for a few more days. Please ensure your baby stays well-hydrated to prevent heat-related symptoms. If this condition does not improve, you should return for a follow-up visit to see if the surgery has not healed properly.