
A parent described how their baby accidentally swallowed an entire grape on August 11th. Although the baby had a bowel movement that day, they stopped having bowel movements from August 12th onwards, despite still passing gas. The parent was worried about potential digestive issues. They had previously taken the baby to a community hospital for treatment and had administered medication four times, but there was still no bowel movement, and the smell of gas became very unpleasant after taking the medication. The parent inquired about the best course of treatment and whether they could register for a consultation at Huaxi Hospital that day.


It is recommended to cut the grape into two or three small pieces before feeding it to the baby to avoid the risk of choking. Although swallowing an entire grape occasionally can usually be digested, it is still advisable for safety reasons to cut it into small pieces. Additionally, the parent was assured not to worry as grapes are said to aid digestion, and their child had previously swallowed grapes without any adverse reactions. They were advised to be more cautious in the future.