
「The baby is 3 months old and has been experiencing diarrhea for 8 days. The stool is yellow with milk curds and occasionally has foam, with a sour taste. The baby’s spirit, appetite, and sleep are normal. Medications have been tried, including Mommy Love, Children’s Compound Chicken Gizzard Powder, Gentamicin Sulfate Granules, and Dinggui Er Umbilical Cord Plaster, but the effects were not satisfactory. Is this physiological diarrhea?」


「According to your description, from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective, this may be a symptom caused by the child’s weak spleen and stomach. Since the baby is still very young, it is recommended to avoid medication treatment as much as possible. Here is a simple and effective solution: moxibustion at the umbilicus for opsonize. Moxibustion should be performed on the baby’s umbilicus every day, with the distance adjusted to what makes the baby comfortable, for about 15 minutes each time. Of course, it is best to do this under the guidance of a professional acupuncturist. Alternatively, you can also seek the help of a professional pediatric massage therapist to adjust the baby’s body through massage techniques. For the baby’s condition, it is recommended to first choose pediatric massage. Once the technique is correct, the effect is often superior to medication treatment.」