
The 8-month-old baby has been experiencing sleep disturbances for the past month, waking up both during the day and at night, about every half hour to an hour. When awake, the baby can fall back asleep with a pacifier, but if ignored, they will cry and fuss continuously. The baby has been breastfeeding and started solid foods at five months old. They are now six months old and have four teeth. Calcium supplements have been taken, but the baby still cries at night. How should this be handled?


The reasons for the baby’s night crying may include hunger, wet diapers, and intestinal cramps. Firstly, parents should identify the specific cause to treat the symptoms accordingly. If it’s due to hunger, feeding at appropriate times is recommended; if it’s because of a wet diaper, a clean one should be changed; if it’s due to intestinal cramps, try hot compresses and massage to relieve discomfort. In severe cases, please seek medical attention promptly.