
Symptom Description: My baby is 20 days old and has been experiencing diarrhea for over 10 days now, with bowel movements resembling bean-like particles. Treatment and Effectiveness: No hospital treatment has been received. Desired Assistance: What are the methods to resolve this issue?


Firstly, it’s important to consult a doctor or pediatrician as soon as possible. Persistent diarrhea in a baby as young as 20 days old can lead to dehydration, which can be serious. Also, presence of bean-like particles could indicate a digestive issue.

For treatment options:

  1. Keep Hydrated: Babies with diarrhea can get dehydrated very quickly because of the loss of water and electrolytes. An oral rehydration solution (ORS) can be very helpful. You will need to consult your healthcare provider on the type of solution and the recommended dosage.
  2. Dietary Adjustments: If your baby is on formula, your doctor might suggest a temporary switch to a different type of formula. If your baby is breastfed, doctors recommend to keep breastfeeding. However, the mother might need to adjust her diet if it may contribute to baby’s diarrhea.
  3. Medication: There are few medications that can be used in babies to reduce the frequency of diarrhea, but they should be used only under doctor’s guidance.

Remember, never try self-medication for newborns as it can sometimes lead to more harm than good. Always consult a health care provider for advice.