
The child has an attack every 10 months, now it’s every 12 months. Treatment situation: Currently being treated at a local hospital, taking medication. Assistance sought: How to treat and cure?


Seizures caused by temporary brain dysfunction are related to factors such as genetics, trauma, etc. The main treatment is medication-based, such as oral phenobarbital, phenytoin sodium, etc., and precautions should be taken to avoid accidents during seizures. The treatment of epilepsy should be determined according to the patient’s actual condition, being factual and individualized. Since the causes and symptoms of patients vary, the methods of treatment also differ. It is recommended that you go to a regular hospital for a professional diagnosis for effective treatment. The treatment of epilepsy can be divided into five aspects: controlling seizures, treating the cause, surgical treatment, general health care, and prevention. The most important aspect is controlling seizures, which is mainly achieved through medication currently. Clinically, antiepileptic drugs can be selected according to the type of epilepsy seizure. Once a drug and dosage that can completely control seizures are found, they should be continuously applied. Generally, after the seizures are completely controlled and there are no adverse reactions, medication can be continued for 3 to 5 years before considering discontinuation.