
My baby is 85 days old and can already roll from supine to lateral, but cannot roll onto the stomach. I’m not sure if this counts as rolling over. He only rolls from the left side and never to the right. Is there any problem?


To train your baby to roll over to the right, use toys. First, place the baby on the bed flat on their back, then stand on one side of the baby and call out their name while using a toy to attract them. It’s best to use a toy that makes noise so that the baby can follow the sound and change their lying position without realizing it. When helping your baby practice rolling over, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The training movements should be gentle to avoid harming the baby or making them dislike the forced training.
  2. At the beginning of training, control the time and frequency. The duration and number of each practice session should gradually increase.