
What illness could a child have if they have white spots on their face and sometimes stomach pain? Symptoms include good appetite, frequent bowel movements, and stomach pain mostly before sleep. Time of onset and cause: Treatment situation: I want to get help to know the cause, how to treat it, and the difference between vitiligo and pityriasis alba.


The white spots on the child’s face could be pityriasis alba. Parents should not worry too much. Firstly, they should keep the child’s face clean and avoid using strongly alkaline soap for washing. After washing, they can apply ointments containing silicone oil or 5% sulfur ointment. If the child feels itchy at the affected area, they can also use compound Conalar ointment. Some cases of pityriasis alba may naturally improve over time, but the color of the regional skin may still be slightly lighter than the surrounding skin. This condition mainly affects appearance and has little impact on health.