
Why does the frequency of bowel movements increase after eating yam porridge? Isn’t yam supposed to have aJianpi San (invigorating the spleen) effect? Can yam porridge still be eaten?


Based on the described situation, the infant’s symptoms may be caused by dyspepsia. It is suggested to take Simeticon or attapulgite powder for treatment, and use Dinggui Er umbilical cord plasters for auxiliary support. Pay attention to keeping warm and drinking plenty of water. Amoxicillin or ceftriaxone can be used as appropriate. The mother’s diet should be light, and breastfeeding routines should be maintained. After diarrhea occurs, it is very important to be moderate in diet, limiting milk intake but using yogurt. Avoid foods rich in fiber, such as watermelons, pears, celery, spinach, grapefruits, and tangerines, as these foods may promote intestinal peristalsis and worsen diarrhea.