
A 5-month-old baby with diarrhea caused by dysentery has been receiving acupuncture treatment for four days. When will the diarrhea stop? Here is the description of the condition: The baby has been experiencing diarrhea for over a week. Initially, there was no hidden blood in the stool, but later, hidden blood was detected. After receiving acupuncture treatment, the stool remains unformed, and the white blood cell count is 1-2. Previous treatment and its effects: In the early stages of the diarrhea, the baby had 4-5 bowel movements a day, with loose and yellow stools, and a white blood cell count of 2-3. After taking children’s herbal medicine, Bifidus and Mommy Love for two days, the hidden blood test was positive, with white blood cells ++ and red blood cells +. The doctor advised on two days of intravenous fluid therapy using the drug Xypen Injection 50 mg and Ceftriaxone Sodium for Injection 1 gram. After two days of intravenous fluid therapy, the hidden blood test was negative, the white blood cell count was 0-2, and the stool remained loose and yellow. The doctor indicated that similar intravenous fluid therapy should continue until the stool becomes formed.


Hello, based on the information you provided, it is likely that your child’s condition is caused by an enteritis due to bacterial infection rather than dysentery, although dysentery still needs to be confirmed through stool culture. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Although the possibility of dysentery is small, the treatment principles for enteritis caused by bacteria are similar. The current treatment is effective, and according to the results of the stool test, the treatment effect is significant.
  2. The treatment for your child has been ongoing for four days now, but overall, the duration of treatment may still be