
Disease Description: My child is seven months old and has been coughing since last week after a fever. The cough is worse when sleeping, and the urine color is slightly yellow, with reduced urine output and excessive sweating. The appetite is poor, but the general condition is good. Past Treatment and Effectiveness: The doctor prescribed amoxicillin, and I also gave the child Sanbao Cough and Asthma Liquid, but the effect was not good. I also massaged the child myself, but it was ineffective. Desired Assistance: Can the cough be cured without medication and only through massage?


If the child’s general condition is good and the cough is not severe, it may not be a serious condition, but it is still necessary to visit a pediatrician promptly for examination and assessment. Follow the doctor’s advice for medication to allow the child to recover faster. If the cough is severe, it is best to bring the child to the hospital for a physical examination or lung X-ray to determine if it is bronchitis or pneumonia, so that targeted treatment can be provided. If bronchitis and pneumonia are ruled out and the cough is not severe, give the child more warm water to drink, use a humidifier, or place several pots of water in the home to increase indoor humidity, which can alleviate upper respiratory discomfort and cough symptoms. If the cough persists for a long time, oral medication is ineffective, and it worsens in the morning or when encountering cold air, it is best to check for allergens as the child may be allergic to certain substances or foods.