
How can the asymmetrical head of an infant at one month old be corrected?


The head shape of a newborn should be symmetrical after birth. If an asymmetrical head is noticed, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Adjust the sleeping position: Allow the infant to sleep on different sides to avoid always sleeping on the same side.
  2. Be mindful of the sleeping surface: Do not place toys, pillows, etc. around the infant’s bed to prevent them from blocking the nose.
  3. Avoid using pillows: Infants do not need pillows until they are three months old, as this can cause neck curvature and breathing difficulties.
  4. Use cotton batting or towels: Place some soft cotton batting or pure cotton towels under the infant’s head to alleviate pressure. Remember to regularly change the sleeping position and keep the infant’s bed clean and tidy to ensure the infant’s safety and health.