
A child with a fever of 39.5 degrees Celsius on the 9th month of age has been receiving intravenous injections for two days, although the body temperature has dropped, there are still abscesses on the tonsils. The child has been taking antibiotics for a long time, but the inflammation of the tonsils and abscesses have not completely disappeared. The child relies on Western medicine and often needs intravenous injections to fully treat the condition. Seeking an excellent pediatric Chinese herbal medicine doctor to provide a Chinese herbal medicine prescription to help with this issue.


It is suggested to maintain a light diet, avoid spicy and overly greasy foods, and maintain good living habits. Pay attention to rest and avoid overwork to prevent febrile diseases. Drink plenty of water to promote metabolism. This may be a secondary tonsillitis following a cold. It is recommended to rest in time and continue seeking treatment from a doctor for anti-inflammatory treatment, and if necessary, you can use Pulsatilla oral solution. Consideration can be given to using acupuncture and moxibustion with herbal decoctions to clear heat, detoxify, and disperse nodules and reduce swelling. The diet should be kept light, avoiding spicy and greasy foods.