
An infant of five months old, who has been fed on formula milk since birth, is experiencing poor immunity issues, having suffered from conditions like respiratory infections, measles, and colds. Currently, the baby has sparse hair at the back of the head, but no other symptoms of calcium or zinc deficiency have been observed. Although fish liver oil, three-in-one glucose acid calcium, and dragon and horse bone granules have been supplemented, the hair condition has not seen any significant improvement. Is it suitable for a five-month-old baby to use colostrum, and how can immunity be effectively enhanced? Is the baby deficient in calcium and zinc? How should they be supplemented? What products are recommended?


Methods to enhance infants’ immunity include strengthening nutrition, increasing outdoor activities, and paying attention to cold and heat protection. It is recommended to have a balanced diet, consume more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals, and ensure the child drinks enough water. At the same time, encourage the child to participate in outdoor sports and avoid crowded public places. If concerned about insufficient immunity, you can go to the hospital for an immune function test. In the diet, avoid overly refined rice and noodles, avoid picky eating, ensure a reasonable diet with balanced nutrition to prevent zinc deficiency. For calcium and zinc supplementation, it should be done according to medical advice and avoid arbitrary supplementation.