
A two-month-old baby, exclusively breastfed, is fed every four hours. Previously, the baby had bowel movements two to three times a day, with normal color. Recently, during each feeding and water intake, a small amount of stool is squeezed out, very little, sticking to the anus. For the past two days, there has been one bowel movement every two days, with a larger quantity and a deep green color, resembling paste. Besides the normal bowel movements, there is always a little bit coming out of the anus. I would like to know what’s going on and how to treat it?


A baby that has been passing gas but not stool for a long time may be showing symptoms of constipation. Baby constipation can be categorized into two types: functional and caused by congenital intestinal malformation. In most cases, it is functional constipation, which can be relieved by adjusting the diet and increasing the frequency of water intake. You can try adding fruit or vegetable juice to stimulate intestinal peristalsis. A reasonable food combination not only helps prevent constipation but also effectively treats it. You can stimulate intestinal peristalsis by increasing the frequency of water intake and adding fruit or vegetable juice. Most cases of baby constipation are functional and can be relieved by adjusting the diet. A reasonable food combination helps prevent and treat constipation.