
My newborn is 7 days old, has diarrhea and vomiting, with watery stools occurring 6-7 times a day. There was previous over-feeding (spitting up), but recently the vomiting has become purulent. The first vomit was white, followed by yellow, and in large quantities. The baby often sweats on the head, which might be due to the heat. On the third day after birth, the baby almost choked due to over-feeding (spitting up). I want to know how to handle this situation.


Newborn vomiting is usually physiological and related to factors such as the stomach being in a horizontal position, small capacity, poor closure of the cardia, and a tight pylorus. When feeding, hold the baby upright at a 45-degree angle to reduce vomiting. After feeding, burp the baby to expel air from the stomach and then place them flat. Avoid lying the baby on their back immediately after feeding; instead, start with a side position and then turn to a supine position.