
Medical Description: Male patient, 7 months old, with a fever of 37.9 degrees, crying and fussing. Previous Treatment and Effectiveness: One-third of nimесulide granules were taken. Desired Assistance: Are there any side effects to frequently taking nimесulide granules?


Disease Analysis: Hello, first and foremost, it’s important to clarify that nimесulide is a symptomatic treatment drug that can relieve fever but does not have an etiological treatment effect. Therefore, a detailed examination is needed to determine the cause of the baby’s fever. If the baby has symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, and coughing, it may be considered an acute upper respiratory infection. Active anti-infection measures should be taken, such as using rimantadine, and symptomatic treatments like fever reduction should be supplemented. In daily life, care should be enhanced, with an increase in water intake, appropriate nutrition, and vitamin supplementation. Advice: As mentioned above, nimесulide is only a symptomatic treatment drug and is not suitable for long-term or excessive use. Nimесulide may cause adverse reactions in the digestive tract and central nervous system, and may also lead to allergic reactions, so it should be used with caution. It is recommended to first use physical methods to reduce fever; if this is ineffective, then consider using medication for fever reduction. Wishing your baby good health. The above information is for reference only.