
What are the benefits of infants consuming glucose? What is the recommended daily intake amount for a breastfed baby?


Glucose has significant anti-cancer effects, with studies showing a notable decrease in cancer incidence in regions where grapes and grape consumption are more prevalent. This is due to the presence of resveratrol, an anti-cancer trace element in grapes, which can prevent healthy cells from becoming cancerous and inhibit the spread of cancer cells. Resveratrol is abundant in grape skins and seeds, making them excellent antioxidant foods. Therefore, not spitting out grape skins is a scientifically sound eating method. Consuming grape skins and seeds together is particularly beneficial for the health of patients with regional ischemic heart disease and atherosclerotic heart disease. The darker the color of the grape skin, the more flavonoids it contains, and the better its protective effect on the heart. The flavonoids in grapes are powerful antioxidants with anti-aging effects.