
Child’s condition at 6 months old: Suddenly, the child’s eyes became fixed, with no response to calls, followed by convulsions and fainting, accompanied by a slight low-grade fever. The onset date was December 12, 2009. Treatment situation: Injections of sedatives, intravenous drips, blood tests, and CT scans were all normal. Hope to understand the causes of the seizures and whether there is a possibility of recurrence in the future.


Pediatric seizures can have various causes, which can be broadly categorized into febrile seizures and non-febrile seizures. Febrile seizures typically result from infectious diseases such as encephalitis, meningitis, brain abscesses, and other intracranial infections, as well as febrile convulsions, toxic dysentery, and toxic pneumonia among extracranial infections. Non-febrile seizures may be caused by epilepsy, electrolyte and water metabolism disorders, hypoglycemia, drug or food poisoning, genetic metabolic diseases, extracranial trauma, brain tumors, and other non-infectious diseases. It is recommended to consult a doctor for detailed diagnosis and targeted treatment.