
The child, four months old, has been diagnosed with pediatric epilepsy. After the treatment with traditional Chinese medicine proved ineffective, the parents consulted on how to treat the condition. The child has seizures during sleep, lasting about 20 to 30 seconds, with brief periods of consciousness. The child suddenly lies on the bed while playing or before going to sleep, with the legs slightly raised and stiff. The parents inquire whether this is epilepsy and what the treatment methods are.


The treatment principles include: first, selecting fast-acting anticonvulsant drugs to control seizures; second, maintaining life functions, preventing and treating complications such as brain edema, acidosis, respiratory failure, and high fever; third, actively investigating the cause and controlling the primary disease; finally, after the seizure stops, long-term antiepileptic treatment should be carried out. It is recommended to use specific medications under the guidance of a physician.