
An infant under one year old has been diagnosed with enteritis, with symptoms including elevated blood counts, intermittent fever, and diarrhea. After treatment, the infant experienced enteritis symptoms again, and the blood count remained high. The inquiry is whether enteritis is difficult to treat and whether it is common in infants.


Regardless of whether the infant’s enteritis is viral or bacterial, it is not recommended to discontinue breastfeeding. During the illness, the infant needs nutrition, and breast milk is the easiest to digest and absorb. Breast milk is rich in immunoglobulin A, lactoferrin, oligosaccharides, and other active nutrients that have antibacterial and bactericidal effects. If there is a persistent condition of bloating and watery stools, it may be necessary to consider lactose intolerance, and lactase can be added during breastfeeding. If watery stools occur frequently, medical attention should be sought promptly, and continue to replenish fluids; intravenous fluid administration may be necessary if dehydration occurs. If symptoms of dehydration such as sunken eyes and dry lips appear, immediate medical attention is required.