
A 3-year-old 4-month-old child has been suffering from a persistent cough since being hospitalized for pneumonia at the end of August. After being diagnosed with upper respiratory infection by a Western medicine doctor and taking antibiotics, there was some improvement, but the symptoms recurred. Recently, a TCM diagnosis identified tonsillitis, and after taking Chinese medicine, the symptoms did not improve. The parents are inquiring about how to handle the situation.


Based on the symptom description, the patient may have chronic tonsillitis with pharyngitis, possibly due to an incomplete cure of acute tonsillitis. During the intermittent period, symptoms may be unobvious and may include a sensation of a foreign body in the throat, burning sensation, cough, and halitosis. In childhood, overly large tonsils may cause respiratory obstruction, snoring during sleep, and unclear speech, even affecting growth and development. Frequently swallowing inflammatory secretions or bacteria and toxins in the crypts may also cause systemic reactions such as indigestion, dizziness, fatigue, low fever, and other symptoms. It is recommended to visit a TCM otolaryngology department for acupuncture treatment to expel pus, bacteria, toxins, and secretions, enhance immunity, promote inflammation regression and recovery. At the same time, combined with Chinese medicine spray treatments such as promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, removing corruption and promoting new tissue growth, anti-inflammatory pain relief, expectorant to disperse phlegm and knots, calming the mind and soothing the liver qi, and dredging meridians, these can directly kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and repair damaged mucosal cells to prevent recurrence of inflammation. Comprehensive treatment can achieve good results without toxic side effects and is less likely to recur.