
Why does a one-and-a-half-month-old girl baby often pass green stools?


If a baby has the issue of passing green stools, for breastfed babies, as long as the milk intake is normal, the baby is in good spirits, sleeps well, and gains weight normally, there is generally no need for special treatment. For babies on mixed feeding, it’s important to determine if the baby is well-fed. If the baby isn’t getting enough to eat, the intestines may move more quickly, resulting in green stools. In this case, simply increasing the milk intake and ensuring the baby eats well can resolve the issue. Catching a cold is also a common cause of rapid intestinal peristalsis and green stools. If this leads to symptoms like a cold, concurrent symptomatic treatment for the cold should be administered. Additionally, if not only green stools are present but also frequent and watery bowel movements with diarrhea, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly for a check-up on the stool.