
My friend’s child is one year and ten months old, and their main diet is still milk. She is not interested in various foods. The family has tried making delicious foods for her, but she only eats a few bites and then refuses to eat anymore. What are some good suggestions?


Hello, here are some suggestions: First, it is necessary to determine why the child does not like to eat. If it is because of a gastrointestinal or systemic disease, or a drug reaction that causes anorexia, it should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. One can also choose Chinese herbal medicine according to the child’s symptoms of anorexia, such as if the child has poor digestion and reduced appetite, one can take concentrated Baohuang Wan; if the child has spleen and stomach weakness, reduced food intake, fullness in the stomach, one can take Xiangshu Liuqian Wan; if it is due to irregular eating habits that damage the spleen and stomach, leading to reduced appetite, one can take Xiangshu Yangweijun Wan; if it is due to food accumulation, fullness after eating, diarrhea after eating, one can take Zhishi Wan, etc. In addition to drug treatment, it is also important to make children happy when eating. It is also important to pay attention to methods. Some children do not like to eat, and parents are very worried. In order to coax the child to eat, some use toys to entertain the child while eating, while others allow the child to play while eating. Parents overindulge their children and do not understand the correct feeding methods, which is also a direct cause of anorexia. So what should be done? Here are some practices:

  1. Provide a more quiet dining environment for the child so they can enjoy a meal without stress because the digestive system is affected by emotions. Therefore, during mealtime, it is important not to let the child feel stressed or anxious.