
My child is nine months old and has still not learned to crawl. They weigh around ten kilograms or less. Is this normal, and what should we as parents do? Supplemental question: The child has four teeth and one new tooth is erupting. A recent micronutrient test showed a slight calcium deficiency, but the child is able to sit and stand. Is it normal that my child has not yet learned to crawl at 9 months? Generally speaking, I think children at this age should already be able to crawl.


It is possible that a nine-month-old child not yet knowing how to crawl is part of normal development, but it may also indicate a need for additional help and stimulation to trigger their instinct to crawl. To stimulate the child’s crawling instinct, provide a safe and encouraging environment where the child can freely explore and attempt crawling. Engaging in crawling activities helps the child develop body balance and enhances their sense of security and freedom. These sensations are crucial for the child’s physical stimulation and neural balance development. Additionally, mild calcium deficiency may affect the child’s bone and muscle development, which could impact their crawling ability. Therefore, ensuring the child receives adequate nutrition and vitamin D, along with appropriate sunlight exposure, is crucial for their normal development. If concerned about the child’s developmental progress, it is advisable to consult with a professional doctor.