
What hospitals in Shenzhen can treat children with ADHD? What should be paid attention to at home and school? What dietary precautions should be taken?


General grade three hospitals or children’s hospitals can provide treatment. Here are some knowledge points for reference:

  • Treatment: Early identification of children’s behavioral problems and appropriate behavioral guidance and treatment usually yield better outcomes. Treatment methods include:
    • Behavioral therapy: Training children to improve attention, reduce distractibility, and correct poor behaviors.
    • Dietary therapy: Avoid certain artificial colors, flavorings, preservatives, and salicylates. Increasing caffeine, combined with stimulants, can enhance the effectiveness of treatment.
    • Medication treatment: After a detailed physical and neurological examination, if it is found that the behavioral disorder is caused by congenital physical defects, medication treatment should be used first. Commonly used medications include:
      • Stimulants: Such as dextroamphetamine and Ritalin.
      • Sedatives: Such as chlorpromazine and thioridazine, used when stimulant treatment is ineffective.