
How should facial paralysis be handled?


Facial paralysis, also known as Bell’s palsy, is a common condition that often affects individuals between the ages of 15 to 55. It usually occurs after triggers such as colds, overheating, lack of sleep, overexertion, or alcohol consumption. Symptoms may appear due to factors like sweating or exposure to wind. Initial symptoms include drooping of the mouth corners, atrophy of facial muscles, and sometimes pain or swelling on one side of the face or behind the ear roots. In severe cases, headaches and dizziness may also occur. In terms of treatment, it is recommended to seek medical attention promptly for anti-inflammatory and antiviral therapy, or to take oral anti-inflammatory medication to control the inflammation. It is important to note that while the facial droop may not be noticeable when the face is at rest, it becomes more apparent when speaking or making facial expressions.