
What are the symptoms of ADHD in children?


ADHD is a psychiatric disorder characterized by difficulty concentrating, impulsive behavior, and excessive activity. The onset of the disease usually occurs between the ages of 2 and 18, with boys being more common than girls. The symptoms of ADHD in children vary with age, environment, and the attitudes of those around them. They often manifest as:

  1. Excessive physical activity: Most children with ADHD exhibit excitement and hyperactivity from a young age and cannot sit still. At school, due to various restrictions, their symptoms of ADHD become more pronounced. They cannot focus in class, rocking chairs, turning around, leaving their seats to walk around, shouting or talking, teasing others, affecting class order. After school, they run around and like to rummage through things. They often interrupt adults when they are talking and do not take care of books and toys.
  2. Difficulty concentrating: Children with ADHD find it difficult to concentrate on anything for long periods, especially in class where they cannot concentrate on what the teacher is saying. They are easily distracted by their surroundings and often look around in class or daydream. They forget what the teacher assigns them to do and are careless when doing homework, playing while doing it, making random corrections, dragging their homework, and finding it difficult to complete it on time.
  3. Impulsive and moody: Due to poor self-control, children with ADHD often have excessive emotional reactions over small matters.