
Why does my baby’s legs always seem to be unable to stand straight? I’ve heard that it could be bow legs or knock knees. But sometimes, when the baby yawns or stretches, it stands quite straight. I feel it might just be lazy behavior. Do I need to treat it? The baby is now 9 months old. Can it drink whole milk yet?


Hello! It is recommended to continue with formula milk until 3 and a half years old, and whole milk can be introduced at around one year of age. Whole milk has simple nutritional components with large protein molecules, which can easily cause digestive discomfort in babies and is not suitable for them. The baby is not yet walking and does not stand very straight most of the time. It’s still learning to stand, and some postures are not yet mastered for the baby. Don’t worry; as the baby grows older, such situations will mostly disappear. Severe calcium deficiency can affect the baby’s bone development and lead to the leg shape you mentioned. Suggest observing for a while.