
My baby is now eleven months old and enjoys crawling and then standing up against something before walking, but when walking, they prefer to walk on their toes. Why is that? When do babies usually start to walk? They still can’t call out to people yet, so when do you think they will start speaking?


Babies who walk on their toes might be in the habit of doing so, but it’s also possible that they have talipes equinovarus. Talipes equinovarus, also known as clubfoot, is a form of cerebral palsy. This condition involves the baby standing with the toes down and legs crossed, medically referred to as a “scissors gait.” It is often caused by underdeveloped brain function and can be indicative of various factors such as neonatal hypoxia-ischemic encephalopathy, intrauterine developmental abnormalities, and preterm birth, leading to movement and posture abnormalities. Talipes equinovarus is not horrible (scary), and most children can be cured if it is discovered early and treated promptly.