
What are the advantages and disadvantages of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in treating pediatric iron-deficiency anemia? Additional question: What I mean is, what are the advantages and disadvantages of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in treating this disease at the same time, such as the gastrointestinal side effects of Western medicine when supplementing iron, and some drugs are not cheap? Can you specifically discuss their advantages and disadvantages? Thank you!


The treatment approach depends on the severity of the condition. Medication is used based on the medical needs. Treatment Measures for Pediatric Iron-Deficiency Anemia: The principle is to supplement iron and remove the cause of the disease.

  1. Iron Treatment - Iron supplements are the effective drugs for treating iron-deficiency anemia, with many types available. Generally, oral inorganic salts are the most economical, convenient, and effective method. Ferrous sulfate is more easily absorbed than ferric sulfate, so it is commonly used. Commonly used types include ferrous sulfate, containing 20% iron; and ferrous fumarate, containing 30%. For infants, it is more convenient to use a 2.5% ferrous sulfate compound solution (ferrous sulfate 2.5g, dilute hydrochloric acid 2.9ml, glucose 12.5g, chloroform water 100ml). The dosage should be calculated based on the iron content. According to experiments, it is advisable to take 4.5-6mg/kg・d, divided into three doses (after conversion, ferrous sulfate 0.03g/kg/day; ferrous fumarate 0.02g/kg/day; 2.5% ferrous sulfate compound solution 1.2ml/kg・d), which can reach the maximum absorption limit. Exceeding this amount can reduce absorption and increase irritation to the gastric mucosa; excessive dosage can produce toxic symptoms. It is best to take medication between meals to reduce irritation to the gastric mucosa and facilitate absorption. It should be avoided to take large amounts of milk at the same time, as milk contains a high amount of phosphorus.