
A two-month-old baby experienced diarrhea symptoms after taking zinc-calcium syrup. How can calcium be safely and effectively supplemented?


Infants have a high demand for calcium during their growth and development, so it is important to supplement calcium in a timely manner to prevent deficiency. The following points should be considered for proper calcium supplementation:

  1. Deficiency symptoms should be diagnosed by a doctor, not decided upon by oneself.
  2. Children with balanced and nutritionally well-matched diets do not need additional calcium supplements.
  3. If a two-month-old baby exhibits symptoms such as night crying, excessive sweating, decreased appetite, frequent respiratory infections, anemia, and cradle cap after birth, these may be signs of calcium deficiency, and calcium supplements should be used for treatment.
  4. When using calcium supplements, vitamin D-containing medications such as cod liver oil should be taken to promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, reduce the excretion of urinary phosphorus, and increase the concentration of citrate in the blood.
  5. During the calcium supplementation period, it is advisable to avoid consuming spinach and dairy products as they can affect the absorption of calcium. Please consult a doctor to determine the most suitable calcium supplementation plan for your baby based on the above suggestions.