
My 5-month-old baby has been suffering from diarrhea recently. I’ve used ‘Dinggui’er Stomach Plaster’ but there has been no improvement. What should I do?


Hello: Has there been any change in your child’s diet? The principle of nutritional therapy during diarrhea is to adjust the diet, stop eating high-fat and difficult-to-digest foods to reduce gastrointestinal burden, gradually restore digestive function, and supplement vitamins and electrolytes for symptomatic treatment, avoiding the excessive use of antibiotics. Actively adopting dietary treatment is very important for restoring vitality. For breastfed babies, you can adjust the feeding time. For formula-fed babies, you can start with rice gruel or diluted milk, using a mixture of 1/2 water and 1/2 milk, or 1/3 water and 2/3 milk, starting with less and gradually increasing to more, from thin to thick. Easy-to-digest dairy products include yogurt and skim milk, as well as homemade skim milk (boil the milk, then remove the floating milk skin). Here are several types of therapeutic diets that parents can introduce: Egg Yolk Diet: Remove the shell and white of a cooked chicken egg and simmer the yolk in a pot to extract the oil. For babies under one year old, take one yolk oil per day, divided into 2-3 servings, for three days as a course of treatment. This helps treat diarrhea and also has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach to stop diarrhea; steamed egg cakes made with a little flour and shredded ginger also have the same effect. Apple Diet: Apples contain tannins that have astringent properties. Wash and steam the apples, eat the flesh or make it into puree after peeling. Take 30-60 grams each time, daily