
A three-week-old infant has a physical examination that shows everything is normal. However, upon observation, it is noted that the infant’s breathing sound is heavier during sleep, and no foreign objects are visible in the nostrils. What could be the issue?


Based on the described situation, it is likely related to calcium deficiency. It is recommended to conduct necessary checks to determine the specific condition. If needed, vitamin D or calcium supplements can be taken first. Cod liver oil can be taken orally, with a preventive dose of approximately 3 to 5 drops daily (500 to 1000 units), and a treatment dose of 1000 to 5000 units daily (if concentrated cod liver oil, only 1 to 2 drops are needed); secondly, calcium supplements such as Xin Xin calcium tablets are an economical and practical choice. If the financial situation allows, options like salmon calcium, calcium oral liquid, and Super Calcium are also available products.