
My baby always has diarrhea and also vomits. What should I do?


Frequent diarrhea and vomiting in babies can have various causes. It is recommended that you take your child to the hospital for a more detailed examination. During the comprehensive physical examination, pay special attention to abdominal symptoms and neurological examinations, and perform fundus examination and rectal examination when necessary. Related auxiliary examinations include: 1. Routine stool and urine tests, as well as other tests. 2. X-ray, CT scan, or MRI. Treatment methods are as follows:

  1. Treatment for the underlying cause.
  2. Symptomatic treatment:
    • If vomiting is severe, fasting for 4 hours is required, except in cases of gastric perforation. In this case, you can use physiological saline or 1-2% sodium bicarbonate solution for gastric lavage. Lie on your side to prevent aspiration.
    • After vomiting subsides, you can give small amounts of thick, slightly warm, easy-to-digest food, or rice gruel and other liquid foods.
    • If dehydration or electrolyte imbalance occurs, timely fluid replacement and provision of necessary electrolytes are required. In case of circulatory failure, treat according to circulatory failure protocols.
    • For babies with frequent vomiting, antiemetics and sedatives such as Luminal, Dormicum, Metoclopramide suppositories, etc., can be used. Be cautious with Anticol.
    • Use antispasmodic drugs such as Scopolamine compound, Atropine, 654-2, Probenecid, 1-