
Is it normal for a baby to frequently spit up milk?


Babies often experience spitting up milk, as their stomachs are shaped like a waterwheel, with a small capacity. The cardia (the wider part just after the esophagus with poor closure function) and the pylorus (the narrower part just before the small intestine) are involved. When babies feed, they often inhale air, making it easier for milk to reflux from the stomach back into the mouth, causing spitting up. How can you prevent your baby from spitting up?

  1. Control the Feeding Interval Generally, milk is emptied from the stomach in about 2 to 3 hours. Therefore, feeding every 3 hours is more reasonable. If feeding is too frequent, there may still be some milk left in the stomach from the previous meal, which can affect the amount of milk taken in the next meal or cause the stomach to feel bloated, leading to spitting up.
  2. Adopt an Appropriate Feeding Position Some mothers prefer to feed their babies lying down, which can increase the chance of spitting up. If the mother holds the baby while feeding, the risk of spitting up decreases. This is because when held, the baby’s body is tilted, and the lower opening of the stomach also has a certain degree of inclination. Due to gravity, some of the milk can flow into the small intestine, partially emptying the stomach. Therefore, feeding while holding the baby is less likely to cause spitting up than lying down and feeding.
  3. After Feeding