
My baby gets small red spots on the face when it’s hot, and there are also some behind the ears, but none on the body. I’ve been to the hospital for a check-up, and the doctor said it’s not heat rash but heat toxicity. They prescribed some Pudian oral liquid, which I gave my baby for a few days, but there was no effect. What medication can be used to treat this heat toxicity?


It is recommended to go to the hospital for a detailed examination to find the cause of the fever and then receive targeted treatment. In the meantime, you can adopt physical cooling methods. If the body temperature does not exceed 39 degrees Celsius, there is usually no need for special treatment; just keep a close watch. If the body temperature exceeds 39 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to seek medical attention promptly, which may require medication or physical cooling methods to control the body temperature. It is suggested to drink plenty of water and apply ice packs to areas with a high concentration of blood vessels, such as the sides of the neck, inguinal area, and armpits. At the same time, you can mix 50-degree white spirit with warm water to wipe other parts of the body, excluding the abdomen, back, and chest, until the body temperature returns to normal. This is an effective method of physical cooling.